Sunday, October 25, 2009

That Guy

Default crush and I made out once, way before he was default crush. We were both just out of long relationships and just very sad. So I told him to kiss me goodnight. He obliged, and it escalated to a high school make out session, but nothing more. And then the next morning, he sent a text apologizing and said it would never happen again. And it didn't.

Until a few weeks ago that is. Because as we know, he became default crush and put out after I threw myself at him.

But now, he won't talk to me. And while that hurts, I'm more upset over loosing my friend. But what I'm confused about is when we kissed he apologized the next day. We sleep together and he ignores me completely. I didn't think he was that guy. I think that's what disappoints me the most. And that I was stupid enough to not realize it until after the fact.

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