Friday, May 6, 2011

Tied in "Knots"

Planning a wedding is daunting for some. Me, not so much. (I have been dreaming of my wedding since I was 6 (yes, I am that girl.  And no, you are probably not surprised by that)). As soon as I was in sight of the tulle vortex, I took off squealing like a kid in a candy store and didn't look back.  (nope, didn't even pretend to hold it back)

There was one place though, that I didn't dare venture to: The knot.  The knot terrifies me.  I was on the knot for my first wedding and it scared me then too. (Though that could have been due to my apprehensions towards the marriage and that wedding planning was a chore.)  I got about 2 step into it before I realized brides be crazy.  In a bride's defense, it's very easy to get caught up in all the hoopla, glamor and romance of it all.  The wedding industry is a 4 million dollar industry for a reason.  The knot saw the market and capitalized on it, it's good business.  But still, the site slightly terrifies me.  Because I don't want to drink the kool-aid and turn into one of those caricatures who think that the big day is doomed by not having the perfect shade of pink silk hand embroidered by blind nuns.

While I didn't shy away from planning this wedding in the slightest, I still need ideas.  I'm very visual and sometimes, you just have to see things to know if it'll work or not.  And the knot, has lots and lots of images.  Believe me, I wanted to avoid that crazy if at all possible.  I google searched and tried to circumnavigate around it (and bing is bullshit, I don't care), but 80% of what I wanted more details on is somehow knot related.  You only have to join the site and log in to see anything.  So I caved and joined.  I put in my email (a new one since dr soc and I have an account for all wedding stuff.  Not to mention I can't use my email because it's still linked to my first wedding and ex's name since you can't delete your account. (The knot does not think anyone will calling off a wedding. How could anyone want to do that?))  But I as I hit submit with my info, I grasped for that last strand of defiance and thought: FINE!! I will join the knot. ::stomps off::

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