Monday, May 9, 2011


In a few years dr soc is going to need a new car.  Because he likes to research, he's looking at makes and models and fuel efficiency and all that other car stuff to get an idea of what he'll want when the time comes.  Every now and again, he'll point out a car to me that he likes or wants to look into further.

I have never really been a "car person."  I want something safe and reliable, that gets me to point A to point B.  I don't know makes, models or anything like that.  (hell, for a while there I didn't know what my new car was, I kept calling it a Camry.  Dr soc had to correct me a few times before I got it strait).  But I've gotten into the new car spirit and occasionally I notice a car I would like to look into more for the future.

I can be very helpful at times (see: ring shopping).  Other times, not so much.

me: I saw a car I liked today.
dr soc: Oh yeah? What was it?
me: Um, I'm not sure.
dr soc: Okay... Do you know the name?
me: Not sure.
dr soc: How about the brand?
me: Nope. Don't find that out either.
dr soc: Okay. So. You saw a car you like then huh?
me: Yep. It had 4 doors. And it was silver.
dr soc: That narrows it down. 
me: Well, at least I think it was silver
dr soc: Well, that's helpful. Great job.
me: You're welcome.

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