Sunday, January 30, 2011

Dermatology 101

me (musing out loud): dammit, I'm getting another zit. What is going on with my skin?
dr soc: It's probably due to you working out all the time now. The sweating.
me (light bulb going off): Oh! Yeah, that makes much more sense.
dr soc: Why, what were you thinking?
me: Oh, I thought I might be pregnant....
dr soc (choking on his fear): WHAT? Why did you think that?
me: Hey, when a coworker of mine was pregnant she broke out like crazy due to the hormone override. I just thought it was a possibility. But the working out thing makes much more sense.
dr soc: Well, were you going to at least tell me?
me: Of course!
dr soc: Via the blog? Facebook? Ha! People would be congratulating me before I knew what was going on if you did it through facebook.
me (snort): Twitter. You never read that.

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