Saturday, April 3, 2010

Summer Clothes

Mother Nature got my letter and brought back spring. Yay! So what do Kentucky kids do at the first sight of raising temperature gauges? Break out the tiny clothes.

Don't get me wrong, it was (and will be for a while) HOT. And heavy clothes are uncomfortable. So everyone's (girls) walking around campus in short shorts, boob tops, tiny skirts and cute summer dresses. And because I am older and have some sense of decency, (fashion rule: show one, not all patches of skins tartlets) I may as well be walking around in a nun's habit.

And it irks me. I could wear a skirt with my ass hanging out. I could show off my legs (I don't like them but that's another story) and wear shorts that if you move the right (or wrong) way you can see my hoo. I can wear a tank top like the best of them. But I don't process my hair or wear 5 inches of pancake make-up or spray tan myself orange either. (Who decided this look was hot in the first place? I want to shoot them.) I am just as thin, and have just as good a figure as these girls. Even better in a lot of cases. And I don't bat an eye let alone turn a head.

Even though I have no interest in college boys and most of them annoy me anyways, it still stings being ignored.

1 comment:

schizm42 said...

classy girls are way hotter than skanks, and it shows.

boys have to exert some effort to get the classy ones. - which is a good thing. They may not be in your face about it, but are more likely to be secretly pining.

plus, not dressing skanky helps keep the assholes away.