Monday, April 26, 2010

Blended Family

On nights that I spend with dr soc, as much fun as I have with him and his dog, part of me misses my Bailey. I can play with his dog Jules and she's a great little thing, but she's not my doggie. So dr soc and I decided it was time for our dogs/girls to meet each other.

I was nervous about it, and I think he was too. I voiced my nerves a little bit when I said "I hope they get along..." and I caught a hint of apprehension in his voice when he agreed with my thought. Because we both knew how tough things could get for us in the long run if our dogs didn't get along. But if they did like each other, then I could bring Bailey with me when I sleep over, the dogs/girls get a play date of the 4 legged variety and everyone's happy.

And they got along! It took a little while for them to establish dominance (my dog won, she's got 30 lbs on Jules) and learn how the other played, but once they figured that out, they played! And played and played and played some more. They only stopped to mark a few spots in the backyard and then continued on with their rough and tumble swat frolicking good time. Even thought they were exhausted and panting, they still would not stop. It was exhausting just watching them. We tried to get them to calm down, I ended up holding Jules and dr soc was holding Bailey and we were all sitting on the couch like one big happy family. But they were bound and determined to play. It wasn't until we decided to go to bed and put them in their crates that they calmed down and settled in for the night. And then this morning, when they were let out of their respective crates, Bailey wanted to start the whole thing over again. But we had to leave since her mommy had to get her morning coffee, and dr soc is a grown up and had to go to work. She's all bummed right now because we left her buddy, and she's napping to recharge.

But phew, I'm really really glad they like each other.

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