Tuesday, September 7, 2010


It took dr soc almost 2 weeks after we started talking to ask me out. And I was getting mighty impatient too.

The time of year had a lot to do with it though. We started talking a few days before valentines day. Yeah, light bulb of recognition just went off of you too right? So, not the most ideal time to ask someone for a first date. No pressure or anything right? So that was fine, and I didn't want that much pressure on a first date either. I figured/hoped he would ask me out after that. But avast, his birthday is 5 days after valentines day. Not to mention it was the big 3-0 last year, and once again, not the best time to ask someone for a first date.

And while the timing is perfectly, reasonably, and chronological acceptable, I was still wondering if he was ever going to ask me out the whole time we're exchanging emails and getting to know each other through a computer screen. The longer communication* process ended up working out for the best though (obviously), because he said those emails are what got him interested in me (score!). There is the argument that I could have asked him out, which he pointed out to me as well, but I just laughed at that. But I won't deny I was getting restless because I really wanted to meet this guy as we bantered back and forth. I understood the timing, but I was thinking he better ask me out soon after that birthday.

Which he did. The day or 2 after it actually. We had our first date later that week (on a weeknight which miffed my friend to no end but it's safe to say it worked out), and the rest is history.

* since both of our memberships to eharmony have expired (having served it's purpose of getting us a significant other we both felt no need to extend the service, aka: pony up more money), neither one of us can access any of our previous cutesy communications. Which is sad, because now our email courtship is forever** lost to the interwebs.

** unless it is a free communication weekend. I guess since everyone (ie: non-paying members) can talk to everyone and anyone, they allow those they've already done their job for (ie: those of us who paid and got what they did/did not want) to access to their cutesy communication stuff.


Bry said...

For what it's worth, I stared at the first email from my (now) wife every day for two whole weeks before I replied. She'd nearly forgotten having written it by the time I did!

Spazzella said...

Ha! To dr soc's credit, he sent the first email and responded quickly. it just took him a while to ask me out.