Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Snail Mail

Mike was talking to his brother last night on the phone, while I started making our mailing labels* for our save-the dates (and later invites). I have almost all of my half, but Mike still needs to get  a good portion of his side.  And the only reason we have his family's addresses, is because his brother sent us his half of the guest list from his wedding a year ago.
So anyway, here's a portion of the brothers conversation:

Mike to his brother: Can you send me Kelli's family addresses when you get a chance?  We're sending the save the dates soon.
Brian: Sure, no problem. (something along those lines)
Mike: Thanks.  Yeah, you don't want Sarah coming after you for those!
Me: Hey! That's not true! I'm not going to bug Brian. No, what you don't want is me to come after you. (there may have been finger pointing involved)
Mike: Yeah.... That's true.

*Screw Miss Manners and that "hand address everything etiquette." We have almost 100 save-the-dates and invites each to send out, and Mike's handwriting SUCKS.  Mine can get sloppy too after I've been writing a lot.  So the $15 in labels is well worth that faux-pas.

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