Monday, September 19, 2011

Mother of the Bride

"Your main responsibility as the mother of the bride is to assist your daughter and future son in law in all of the planning and details."
My mother...not so much.  My mother, is the most un-mother-of-the-bride I have ever encountered.  She doesn't want to plan anything.  Granted, I've got almost everything covered and I really don't need much help.  But that's not the point. I was babbling about some of the details to her and it went in one ear and out the other.  It's not that she's not happy for us, but she just isn't paying attention.

I think she just wants to be told when and where to show up.  She's not even dress shopping. And I'm pretty sure that for a fleeting second, she seriously wondered if she could wear the same dress she wore for my sister's wedding.
Hey Amy, was she like this for you?

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