Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Lady Vitamins

My husband and I are not planning to be childless. We're not in any rush to start our family, but I also have a known case of baby fever that makes the previous statement not the most believable thing. My husband doesn't have the same baby fever as I do. But he has a little case of it in his own way. Just a little.

The reason I say this is because he wants me to take my vitamins. And not my dinosaur gummie vitamins either, he wants me to take "lady vitamins" with folic acid. He also really wants me to talk to a doctor so my body can be in optimal condition for baby incubating should incubating occur. And apparently you should be taking prenatal vitamins before you actually are pregnant to gain the most benefits from them, something I did not know. Though I still don't quite understand how he knew that little tidbit about pregnancy, but when I told him about pickles and ice cream he looked at me like I had two heads. He's also not thrilled with me running another marathon in the fall and putting that much stress on my body, but that also could be in part to that he's less than thrilled about having to carry me post marathon. I'm surprisingly heavy when I'm dead weight. 

Anyway, he really wants me to take the lady vitamins. Just in case. Just a little. Like his little baby fever.

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