Monday, November 9, 2020

A Lot - or - my 2020 Election Thoughts

In 2016 I wrote how horrified aka scared shitless I was with the presidential election results.  I knew then my husband and I would be okay the next few years.  And we have been.  We've been incredibly fortunate to not only have kept our jobs but also received our paychecks through this pandemic, and neither us or our kids have gotten sick (knock on wood).  Seven weeks ago right after RBG died my visceral reaction was fear.  And then anger immediately after that I was fearful in the first place, and do not regret an iota telling 2020 trump voters to fuck off and choke on their fox news bullshit.

You would be right to assume how relieved I am with the 2020 presidential results.  As of Saturday I feel that I and a lot of others can breathe a little easier. A lot of 2020 people still voted for him because they agree with his vitriol. Because they embrace and/or accept his racism and misogamy.  So it wasn't an easy win. We're still in a dumpster fire. There are still 10 weeks left of the orange asshole and his ass kissing cronies will absolutely aide and abet him. 

So I'm not about to nudge an olive branch to the 2020 trump voters. You don't get to say please be gentle with my hurty feewings after continuously abusing you the past 4 years. "Be kind" is well meant, but understand that it is said from a place of privilege. As much as I want to gloat that Biden won and dance with joy and scream neener neener neener at the top of my lungs...I won't...mostly because I'm afraid I could get hurt. There's still a lot of work to be done, and a lot of damage to undo. There's a lot of a lots. The chance for civility will be a nice change of pace though. 

But still, always: fuck the patriarchy. 

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