Saturday, November 15, 2008


  • After spending 2 hours with my friend's adorable but pukey baby, waiting 8 years doesn't seem that bad anymore.
  • Jeanne rocks the homemade remedies. I would even eat a few cook carrots if they are in something she makes (not all of them though, let's not press our luck)
  • I'm still pissed off at boys, but that's just it, they're boys. They aren't worth my time getting all riled up about. And I don't want to play with them anyway, so there, nanny nanny boo boo.
  • As for wanting him back, well, I want the idea of what I thought he could be back, not so much him.
  • And my suportive husband, checklist and all, is out there. That's my new wish
  • Still working on all powers, smite and telepathy the most important

1 comment:

Sourire11 said...

What homemade remedie did I give you? I made chicken noodle soup last week because my usual coping techniques of dayquil and hot toddies are clearly out. But you can still have those thigns! I'm confused.