Monday, August 31, 2009


This happened a week or so ago, before school started. But I'm sharing this story now.

My coffee machine decided to die that morning.
I don't know why or what wasn't working, and I didn't care to know why or what either. What I did want to know was who I had pissed off that the coffee gods decided to hate me that morning. And how could I make amends. Because this no coffee thing? Not cool.

Due to my general morning fog which was only increased by my lack of caffeine, I crashed my bare foot into the oven. And promptly yelled "F*CK!" Very, very loud. My car was at the mechanics then. And Bailey wasn't putting any weight on her back leg so it was time for another round of vet visits.
(she doesn't "do" the annual appointment thing. She's ridiculously needy).

This was not shaping up to be a good morning at all. And I was getting stabby as a result. Somewhere in there, I knew the solution was to take a shower, put on pants, take the gimpy dog for her morning walk across the street and get a cup of coffee. Then call the vet, make an appointment, pick up my car, and get a new coffee maker.
Because that's what a grown up would do.

But instead, I sat and sulked and pouted like a bratty 4 year old.

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