Monday, August 10, 2009


I'm not super religious, but I do respect other faiths. Catholic, Methodist, Hindu, Episcopalian, Jewish, Agnostic, whatever you claim to be, I'll respect your faith as your own. And I think that all the god(s) that these religions believe coexist somehow. It's us humans that go muckle it up and make holy wars. God(s?)'s up there going, dudes, calm down, I'm (we're) fine. And you know sometimes he points and laughs, because I also believe god has a sense of humor (want proof? explain the duckbill platypus).

Me and god, we have an understanding. I have a good head on my shoulders and I formed my own opinions. I do ask for help on occasion. When Bailey had parvo and was fighting to live, I prayed for him to fix her. I begged and bargained with the man upstairs to either save my puppy for me, or end her suffering. And obviously, she's still here (naughty and knee surgeried, but still here), so he kept up his end of the bargain, so I've kept up mine.

But as soon as you start pushing your views on me, we have a problem. That's not what faith is to me. I'm a good person and I have morals. I don't need to go to Sunday service to prove I'm a 'good christian. ' And honestly, the whole "good christian" stance does nothing but annoy and incense me.

First I don't really understand what "being a good christian" is. And why are all the people who are "good christians" such zealots? When did being a good christian usurp being an good person? And since when are they one in same? I think it's utter bull sh*t when a person A of one faith informs person B of a different faith that person B is going to hell because person B doesn't believe in God the exact same way as person A does. Um excuse me, but that's not your job down here. Overstepping the big mans shoes there buddy.

I seriously think God's rolling his eyes and shaking his head, playing shuffle board with Buddha.
(oooh, think I'll get any random "I'll pray for your soul" comments from this post?)

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