Sunday, March 13, 2011

Mommy Dearest

I was talking w/my mom on the phone after my interview and I was telling her about the MIA printer cords. She completely understood the horror story daap flashbacks, but then I think went into mom mode and tried to fix the problem*.

mom: Well what kind of printer is it? What kind of cords do you need?
me: It's an hp something or other. I don't know the model number off hand. Mike has an hp as well but not the same model because we already tried to swap cords and his wouldn't fit my printer.
mom: Hmm. Ok, we'll I'll just bring all the cords we have here when we visit in a few weeks and maybe one of those it the right cord.
me: Mom! No, I can get a printer cord here, it's fine. And besides, why would we have spare hp cables laying around the house? (my dad used to work for Lexmark, and hp is a competitor. Talk about printing with the enemy.)
mom: Good point. Ok, yeah, you can fix this printer thing on your own.

--The conversation continues about something else and eventually turns back to the when they visit--

mom: We don't need to get a hotel do we?
me: No! I have a 5 bedroom house (yep), you even have your choice of room color, green or orange. And they both have a bathroom close. Why would you think that?
mom: I don't know. Anyway that's good.

--yadda yadda yadda--

mom: I'll also bring all yours and Amy's gel packets that are here.
me: I have those too. We have running stores here too. I went and got my supply for this spring.
mom: Ok well I'll bring them anyway.
me: you think I live in the middle of nowhere? It's not impossible for me to get stuff.
mom: No, I don't think that... It's just....
me: It's ok mom. Bring the gels, I'll eventually use them and I know you don't, and they keep a while. This way you can stop hauling them around with you every time one of us runs a race.
mom: Oh good. I'm tired of doing that.
me: Ok, good. Amy and I can both get things where we live. Now you just have to stop buying them, ok?
mom: Yeah, I'm tired of that too.
me: see, problem solved.

* I love my mom and I think we have a pretty good respectful relationship as far as mother/daughters go. But you have to admit she's a little nuts! I blame the asian.**
** dr soc hates it when I pull the race card, especially if I refer my mom as a "crazy asian," Something about his social equality phd. I also think he fears/wonders if I'm going to go nuts like my mom. Let's face it the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree. Yet he's more than ok with our kids claiming asian/mixed on a scan-tron, especially if that means they get scholarship money. And besides, I think marrying a half asian (slightly crazy or not) gives him more street cred as a sociologist. So there!

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