Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Dr soc and I were driving around new years and I was playing with the Garmin he gave me for a graduation present. The Garmin lady gave a direction and the following conversation ensued:

dr soc: you can program that for different voices.
me: (still playing with buttons) huh?
dr soc: yeah, if you don't like the lady, you can change the voice. You could have a guy's voice if you wanted.
me: Oh, well, I don't mind the lady. (mock indignant) And besides, I will not have a man telling me what to do!
dr soc: ::snort:: (fully understanding the indignation) Well, you can still program it to a celebrity, male of female if you wanted to. Like Mr T, or Angelina Jolie.
me: snort. Right, like I would let any part of her anywhere near you*.

*I think Angelina Jolie is sexy as hell and admit to having a girl crush on her. But as a woman do I trust her? Especially around my man? Oh hell no!

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