Monday, January 24, 2011

Home Improvements

I own a home.* Unlike apartment living, if you don't like something, you can change it. And since I went to interior design school for 6 years,** I have the knowledge and wherewithal of what and how to change things. (the brute strength not so much. But that's why designers hire people to do the manual labor)

Well, anyway, our home is a new home and has builder white walls, so literally, a blank pallet. (see also: boring) So, we bought paint. Burgundy for our bedroom, blue for 2 bathrooms, green and orange for 2 different guest rooms and purple for the guest bathroom. Yes, I live in a fun house and I love it. (his mom I don't think cares too much for all of the paint colors, but dr soc and I love it and it's our (his) house.) Picking paint colors was one of my least favorite tasks of design school, and it still is to this day. But it went fairly well with dr soc. When we found a color we both liked and thought would work, we stopped looking and went for it.

We have an open plan for the living room/kitchen, and I wanted to keep the public spaces neutral, with an accent wall to give it some personality. So we bought more paint. We get the dogs crated and the drop cloths down, and start to paint the majority of the downstairs...

And it's pretty much the exact same color as what's already on the walls. So, so, SO glad we have 3 gallons of non returnable paint and 775 square feet to cover with it. We can't change it (well, we can, we're just not going to) so we're a little (lot) pissed off. We decide to do another accent wall and wait until the next morning*** to tackle them. Fortunately, the accent walls help and created the contrast in the room we (I) were going for. And once we got everything back in the room and the cover plates back on, we can see the contrast more and the room is warmer. It's subtle, but it's what we wanted. And we like it.

But god, we were really pissed off with that neutral!

*not really. Dr soc owns our home and I just live here.
**I'm claiming a 1/2 degree from uc. Six years, I get to claim something other than ptsd and an unhealthy dose of bitterness.
*** we woke up hoping the paint elves had finished the room and changed the color to something more noticeable. No such luck.

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