Friday, January 28, 2011

Living with a boy

So. I live with a boy now.
Things I have figured out and/or learned this past month in living with this boy:

  1. I am a messy girl and he is a neat boy.
  2. I will always blame any gas on his dog.
  3. I still consider taking out the trash a "boy job."
  4. I forget to get the mail.
  5. The amount of hair I loose and leave around the house (not on purpose!) baffles him.
  6. I'm terrible at sharing a bathroom.
  7. I'm a messy cook and I don't really like to clean the kitchen.
  8. Toilet paper inventory is a "girl job."
  9. Despite both of us being more aware of gender (un)equality than most people (due to our sociological studies), we quite often default to traditional gender roles and tasks.


  1. I try to not be too messy and try to sprawl less.
  2. He accepts the dog as the source reasoning.
  3. He doesn't mind taking out the trash and does so if I ask him to.
  4. He gets the mail since I always seem to forget.
  5. The hair...well, that combined with the dog's shedding will always baffle him.
  6. We have two sinks in our bathroom so I'm better at sharing
  7. He cleans the kitchen after I cook (SCORE!!!)
  8. If we have less than 10 rolls of toilet paper I consider us out. And I will make sure we are never, ever out.
  9. I like traditional roles, and I think he doesn't mind them either.
  10. I always have someone to cuddle with on the couch, whether it be him, a dog or 2 or all 3 of them. It's cute but sometimes I can't feel my feet.
  11. And he puts the seat down! Thus I avoid a war where I result to bribery.

So. All in all, I like living with this boy. Sarah win!

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