Saturday, January 29, 2011


So it's sorta always been a secret dream of mine to be a kept woman. Secret because if a college educated woman says that you get looks like you personally have set woman back 50 years. Which actually, I blame the skankification of America and the over-sexualization of kids for that.

Feminism is great and all that. But one of my takes on feminism is that it gave us the right to choose. Well, it gave affluent (mainly white) woman the choice. Poor socioeconomic class woman always have and will continue to work as a necessity, not as a choice. I've been more than fortunate and I can have that choice, instead of being forced into one path or the other.

I am looking for jobs fyi. But currently, I am kept. Which yay, dream of mine. And it's fun at first, but honestly, it gets old quickly. There's always stuff I can do around the house and I have to keep a constant eye on the dogs, but that hardly makes my day. I can play on the internets for a while, but once I cycle through my favorite sites I'm back to boredom. I've been going to the gym every day which is something, but guess who paid for our membership? And while I'm going all the time now because I'm training for a half, I'm also doing so because I want to look good so I feel like I'm bringing something (albeit something very superficial) to the table. In essence, I'm going to the gym, on a membership my boyfriend paid for, so I can stay hot. How's that for kept?

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