Monday, September 28, 2009

Happy Aniversary to Me!

It's my blog-iversary! I've been blogging for a full year now. Whoa.

I just love champagne. I think it's the perfect celebratory drink.

In the past 365 days and 300+ blogs, I've mentioned/discussed/detailed:

  1. the breakup
  2. my heartbreak
  3. college round one
  4. college now
  5. college snark
  6. My life plans
  7. My opinions
  8. My dog
  9. My family
  10. Trips down memory lane
  11. Football
  12. Boys
  13. Men
  14. Dating
  15. Boyfriends and (the) ex's
  16. Facebook
  17. Friends and frenemies
  18. True Blood and my obsession with the viking
  19. Lists
  20. Big girl pants
I've bitched, I've moaned, I've whined. I've cried, I've laughed. I've posed questions, some more serious than others, and I've snarked. I've over shared and I've opinioned.

And I am having a blast. I don't think I'm stopping anytime soon. (though I am slowing down with school being evil)
Thanks for reading everyone!


Bry said...

Congrats to you, gal!

schizm42 said...

only a year? i'm impressed! you're quite good at it. congrats! (you're buying a round to celebrate when I'm in town next... right? =P )