Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Friend crush

I had a total friend crush on my chemistry TA from the summer. That's not wrong is it?
I was really hoping I would get him again for this semesters lab, but no such luck. But so far I like this semesters TA, so I'm not upset. But anyway, my summer TA.

It wasn't a crush on a friend sort of thing. It wasn't even a crush in the sense I want to date him. It's not really a man crush or a bromance, because that's between two guys, and I'm not a man (clearly). But he was the type of guy that you could call up and say, "bring beer, a football helmet and be here in 20 minutes," and he wouldn't ask. He be there in 20 minutes with beer, football helmet, a fire extinguisher (because that's just good form) and be all in. In other words, I just wanted to hang out with him outside of class because he seemed really cool. But there are lines you shouldn't cross, and getting buddy buddy with your TA is one of those.

Plus, this isn't kindergarten when you can just ask someone, "will you be my friend?" Check yes or no. (though admittedly, those notes would be super handy in the grown up world, so much less hassle) Or you can have your mom set up a play date.

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