Thursday, February 10, 2011


Scene: Dr soc and I are on our way into the gym together.

me (musing): I don't think I'm hydrated enough for my run but we'll see. At least this dehydration wasn't on purpose.
dr soc: Huh? What do you mean on purpose?
me (matter of factually): Oh, yeah. When I was at uc, during project week I usually didn't have time to pee.* So I would dehydrate and starve myself so I wouldn't have to take bathroom breaks.
dr soc (stunned): Oh my god! Seriously?
me: Yeah, I did it for years.
dr soc (shaking head): That's not healthy!
me: (snort) And you wonder why I have so many issues with that school.

* I also had even poorer time management skills back then too, hence the no bathroom breaks.

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