Monday, April 12, 2010


Me: "wait, is this physics?"
Guy: "well, kinda..."
Me: "oh, well then I don't care anymore."

Someone was trying to explain baseball stats or something to me, but well, ya know. Once I realized I was getting a physic's discussion I knew I wouldn't understand. I've never really understood physics, nor do I have any intention to try to do so.

So here's my personal physics conundrum: once I start falling in love (the rare times that I do), I can't stop. Object in motion will remain in motion sorta thing right?

I am falling in love with Dr Soc. Yep. I knew I was before he even told me about the interview of the far far away job. And when presented with the fear of him leaving, I told myself to slow down and don't fall as a mode of self preservation.

So what do I do? I start falling harder and faster.

Dammit. Suck it Sir Issac Newton, explain that to me.

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