Sunday, May 24, 2009

Careful what you say

On my way to a friend's house, I decided I needed an iced coffee from Starbucks (because caffeine would totally help my irritability.) But there's an older guy in there, somewhere around my dad's age probably. He was with his daughter, who was probably close to my age, maybe a little younger, and her boyfriend. For some reason he starts a conversation with me and ask where I'm from, and then asked have I traveled any.

"Where's the furthest you've been?


He continues with traveling is amazing, and "the best thing is to travel to far away places. You want to know what the secret is for that? Don't get married."

Slightly taken aback, I shake my head and say, "you picked the wrong girl to say that to. God, so the wrong girl."

"Why, you married? Getting married?"

"Um, I was getting married this up coming Saturday. At the church literally up the road. I had the dress and everything"

He starts trying to back peddle and joke a little, but I'm clearly sending the please leave me alone vibe. Before he left though, he apologized and he felt bad enough that he bought my coffee. And I'm pretty sure his daughter was reaming him when they left.

I'm ok now, but it was odd. And a little unnerving.

Sigh, I just need to make it through this week.

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