Saturday, April 18, 2009


What I meant to buy at Target:
  1. rubbing alcohol
  2. contact solution
  3. conditioner
estimated total: $15

What I actually bought at Target
  1. rubbing alcohol
  2. contact solution
  3. new purse (that I will carry for one season and so will every body else)
  4. eye makeup remover
  5. sunglasses (I loose/break a pair every year, so it was replacement time)
  6. shorts (but long ones so I can wear heels with them and not be trashy looking)
actual total: $56

I've done worse though. Once I went in for shampoo and conditioner and came out with 3 full bags of I don't know what. So I've gotten a little better. For example, I did stop myself from getting shoes and new sports bra too. I have some self control (that's a lie and we all know that)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What usually stops me from buying all kinds of clothes at target is trying them on. Once I try things on, I've found that target clothes just don't fit me well. Otherwise I'd walk out with a whole new wardrobe.