Sunday, March 22, 2009


Quick update: Saturday I ran the 8K in 52:57! That's 4.9 miles, which put my pace a little bellow an 11 minute mile. This just gave me a confidence boost for my half in April, which I needed.
So yay flat courses, cute running clothes and a sister cheering me on from the sidelines
And Amy did awesome in her marathon, she broke the 4 hour mark! Holy crap, she ran 26.2 miles in just under 4 hours! Way to go!

I used a clapper thingy to cheer on everyone and I occasional shouted out "good job so and so (the race numbers had people's names on them), or a way to go runners! or a loud wooo hooo! for all the marathon runners while we waited for her to run past (by the way, the elites are scary good. and scary fast). And I hoped I encouraged people. Because I appreciated the cheers the races I ran, it gave me that extra push. let's hope karma works for me Derby race weekend.


Sourire11 said...

oh wait. i missed it. nevermind about the good luck thing.. instead CONGRATS! An 11 min mile average is pretty damn awesome.

mouthy_broad said...

It is pretty awesome. And your sister --woah.