Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Pick Your Battle

So, even though mike and I both kinda feel as if we're already married (and yes, I am fully aware of how cliche that is) I am still super duper excited about the wedding.  Ergo, I can't stop talking about it.  Mike, not as much. 

Now, I realize that the wedding is just one day and it's the marriage and our life together is what matters.  Yes, yes, that's mature and lovely.  But bubble of tulle!  Hashing out wedding day timetables is way more fun to talk about than the mundane aspects of life like who's going to pick up Sharktopus from track practice (we don't do soccer in this house).   But, anyway, the point is that at some point in the day, the chatter will turn back to the wedding.
mike: What are you going to talk about after the wedding?
me: (no hesitation) Babies!
mike: (scared) Babies?
me: Well, probably I'll focus a bit on getting my masters after the wedding and being a librarian. But then, after that, definitely about having babies.
mike: Babies? But, uh....babies?
me: Yep. Pick your battles man. Weddings now or babies.

See honey, the wedding is the way lesser of the scary!

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