Tuesday, August 9, 2011


I was watching bridezillas. Mistake number one.  I know you have to call to be on the show (which, why would you do that?  Are you that desperate for your 15 minutes that you want people to see you at your worst behavior?), and some of them are just playing up for the camera.  But other times, it's not playing. Like the featured bride I'm going to judge right now, who was, forgive me, a total twat. 

She threatened, sassed, yelled, cried, hit and pouted like every other bridezilla on the show before her.  Nothing spectactular about that really.  She also had an overinflated ego, an unjust sense of entitlement and claimed her wedding would be the most important day of everyone's life, also like every other bridezilla before her.  Once again, not really that special. (though I'm sure her overinflated ego will tell me otherwise).

So far a  typical, not too special a bridezilla.  But then the little things just pushed her over the top.  It's all in the details you know.  Her friend can't afford to buy a plane ticket from Chicago to Milwaukee (which, is less that a 2 hour drive, I don't know why the friend needed to fly, but whatever), so bridezilla starts flipping out.  Bridezilla decides her friend does indeed have the money, so now this "friend" is just insulting her.  Not only will she fly, she now owes bridezilla an even bigger wedding gift for stressing her out.

She's so stressed out that this b-list friend would even think about not coming to the wedding, at bridezilla's cake tasting, she grabs her bridesmaid's cake from a bridesmaid and shovels it into her own piggy mouth.  Which, no, not cool.  In my book, cake stealing is a stab worthy offence.  And then bridezilla couldn't fit into her wedding gown. Which, is no surprise since she stole cake.  She cries, maybe in hopes of loosing the water weight, and then fearfully confesses to the camera how important this dress is in the history of the world.  And that she has to fit into it by Sunday morning.

And that was what pushed her into twat territory. Sunday weddings are an inconvenience and bitchy.
They are only acceptable if the holiday the couple wants as their wedding anniversary is on a Sunday.  (And if the couple is close friends or family. That is all).  Picking a Sunday just to pick a Sunday is not cool. It may be slightly cheaper for the couple, but the inconvenience factor for everyone else isn't worth it.  

So to sum it up: the girl was a bitch to begin with. She has a Sunday morning wedding make it inconvenient for everyone. And she took someone elses cake. What a twat.

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