Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Another reason I like dr soc: he trusts me.

The other morning he watched me take my birth control pill. It's part of my morning routine and he knows that I'm on it, so whatever. He may have good naturally said something along the lines of "phew" or "please don't forget that," but it didn't phase me.

So how does that relate to a trust issue?

Because I then said to him: "can I tell you how nice it is that you don't ask me "did you take your pill" every day?"
He responded with "oh, well, I'm sure I can find something else annoying to ask you about."
Which I'm sure is true and I'll find out eventually what that is. But in seriousness, I told him some of my boyfriends had asked me that question almost every day. And I whenever they did, I thought: give me some credit here.

Think about it dudes, if I'm going to be responsible and proactive about my reproductive rights, what makes you think I'm not going to take it correctly? And on top of that, they only knew the half of it. Sure they knew I had to take it everyday, but they had no idea you need to take it w/in the same time frame every day as well. So if they asked me before the right time and I would say that I hadn't taken it yet, they would flip the fck out. Believe me, I'm going to take the pill correctly because I didn't want to get pregnant either, a lot more so than you.

So when these boyfriends asked me "did you take your pill," to me it meant: I don't trust you.

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