Sunday, June 20, 2010


**I originally posted this on the 13th, but since it's father's day I am yanking it for today's post**

Conversation between me and my mom after I meet Dr soc's parents:
Mom: So, what did his parent's think about you?
Me: They're really nice and seem to like me enough. He said his dad liked me right away.
Mom: Yeah, dad's always like you.
Me: umm, ew?

She recalled the Eagle Ceremony (boy scouts) that we all went to when I was in high school. And it was prom season and people thought the newly winged eagle didn't have a date yet. Turns out he did, he had asked her the day or 2 before, but you know boys, they don't talk about things like that. But I'm there and I'm holding court in my own high school way with my peer group and the rest of the dads start elbowing eagle's dad and say " why doesn't he ask her there?"

But I guess she's right in a way. Because I think most of my boyfriend's parents have like me. Well, not all of them liked me, but they figured I wasn't a bad person and didn't really form an opinion on me good or bad. And while I know it's ultimately the mom I really need to impress and get to like me, having the dad's good graces never really hurt the process.

But still, it sounds a little creepy.

Anyway, Happy Fathers Day!

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