Monday, March 22, 2010


You know when things just click with someone? Yeah, I think I've got that. We've had our 5th date (not that I'm keeping track of stuff like that...), he's been bestowed a blog name, and I've met a few of his coworkers. All good signs.

An even better sign: Bailey likes him. She's protective of me and the house whenever someone comes to the door. Especially any guys, repair men, our neighbors, my friends, ect, with males she goes on insta-alert. Which I warned dr soc about because no one likes to be attacked by 50 lbs of spaz. So he brought a toy the first time he met her, in attempts to win her (and probably me somewhat) over. And it worked, she warmed up to him in an instant.

We have similar family back grounds, our educations are in the same field, our dogs are a lot alike and oh. my. god. the chemistry is there. (I may have gotten a mercy D in last semester's chem class, but I didn't need a tutor for this type of chemistry) There are are a lot of good signs. And I'm choosing to be an optimist and not wondering: what could go wrong, but instead think: why shouldn't it work? After a particularly breathtaking encounter, (seriously, top 5 of my life), after my heart rate returns to somewhat normal, I blurt out " I'd say we're compatible." He chuckled and said he was thinking the same thing.

Yeah. Click.

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