Friday, February 6, 2009


I'm not political. I don't follow current events and I don't care to because they usually depress me. I can't name all the positions in the president's cabinet. Secretary of state, treasury, um...what else? I'll offer my opinion if asked, but other wise, I keep my mouth shut.
During the election, facebook turned into a political war zone, and it was annoying. People were "donating their status" for a candidate. Number one: wtf? And two, donating your status is not an actual vote you half wit. (and if you were a true half wit and relied on other people's donated status to decide who to vote for, then you don't have any opinions of your own and should do us all a favor and choke on your own tongue)

But even so, I'm still pretty ecstatic who our president is. And that I voted for him. And every time I hear President Obama, I get a little swell of hope. Maybe the novelty will wear off in a few months, but right now, I still get a smidgen choked up at the amazingness of it all.

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