Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Talk Bubbles

To the surprise of no one, my girls are talkers. Ironically when they were born they both were so quiet the medical staff was concerned, even though they were perfectly healthy. Yeah, it was odd...
But after that, as soon as they figured out they could vocalize in some way they did. Girl 1 makes articulate affirmations (e.g. mischief, actually, memorized all said clear as a bell and used correctly) and Girl 2 has entire conversations and spouts platitudes in babble. 

And they are both savage AF. 

4.5: Mommy have you shrunk yet?
me: umm, no. I'm not that old* just yet.
4.5: Has daddy? Because he's kind old.*
*Chinese ladies are ageless forever and -poof- look 120 and start shrinking. True fact.
*He turned 40 in February and hehehehe. 

And also:
-sees pregnant mannequin at the store and says very loudly-
4.5: Mommy! That belly is really big - like yours!
me: no honey, there's supposed to be a baby i-
4.5: just like yours!  


As for girl 2, I don't know what my 2 year old was actually trying to say, but that had to be the cutest little "bitch bitch bitch" I've ever heard!

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