Monday, August 5, 2019

Word Fun (but not really)

One of the two mass shooters* in the past 24 hours had the gall to post online their own racist manifesto before his killing spree. As if his diatribe is important. As if he is important.***

***Nope, not even. Fragile f*cking insignificance is more like it.

You know who else had a manifesto? Hitler. And there was a whole world war declaring that nazis are bad and they lost. The WHOLE WORLD.

So I am breaking down the word manifesto. Ahem. man - fest - o
  • man: young white male
  • i: self-important = hubris
  • fest: fester
  • o: cutesy sanitizing ending

So in conclusion - a "manifesto" is: a white young male's festering hubris. 

Choke on that.

**for so many reasons
  1. that this is another mass shooting and it won't be the last.
  2. the inaction of thoughts and prayers.
  3. the senate doing nothing. 
  4. fragile masculinity and the patriarchy continuing to get away with actual murder. 
  5. the NRA's propaganda. 
  6. fill-in-another-abhorrent-reason here. 

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