Wednesday, January 25, 2017

The Patriarchy!

So if the past election and current president have anything to show it it that sexism is alive and well and the patriarchy isn't going anywhere for a while.

The (white, female) SNL writer who tweeted once about the president's youngest son was called out multiple times by multiple people. She:

  • Acknowledged it was out of line.
  • Apologized for the tweet.
  • Deleted the tweet and her account.
  • Was indefinitely suspended from her job.
  • And people are still demanding her head.

A (rich, orange) businessman tweets "flaming hot piles of brain vomit" since June 2015 insulting 305 different people/places/things NOUNS (including: revered civil rights leader John Lewis, entire countries, the Associated Press, mainstream media (which made him famous in the first place) and Major League Baseball (possibly the most American thing there is)). He:

  • Became the 45th POTUS.

So yeah, the patriarchy ⚑⚐*waves flag*⚑⚐

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