Sunday, September 26, 2010


Setting, dr friend and I were watching Sharktopus on Syfy (what?) and commenting how dumb some of these people are.

dr friend: Run away! Stop standing at the water's edge! Oh my god, these people are so stupid. I don't want dumb friends.
me: Agreed. If you were being eaten by a sharktopus and knew you were a goner, I'd be running the hell away and not standing there at the shoreline screaming oh my god help!

Then my friend gives me pink and purple mendi bracelets, which are sparkly and I spend the rest of the evening looking at them and giggling over how much they delight me.
See! Clinky! Delight!

dr friend (to her husband): I thought I just said I didn't want dumb friends.
me: hey, you're the one who gave me pretty sparkly noisy bracelets. You know I have shiny object syndrome. You brought this upon yourself.

1 comment:

Irina said...

Nice bracelets. I like it.