- Stupid
- Ignorant
- Ugly (auto-disqualification for women-attack on looks)
- Fat (another auto disqualification)
- Has absolutely zero empathy
- Insensitive
- Unaware
- Entitled
- Notoriously thin skinned
- An aggressive bully
- Xenophobe (that's a big word for racist so he might understand)
- Misogynist (another big word for women-hating*)
- A sexual assaulter**
- A total creepster***
- Narcissistic
- Impulsive
- Reckless
- Shallow
- A hypocrite
That cheeto is bat. shit. crazy. and has the nuclear codes. We're so fucked.
*except the daughter he'd date****
**but only models
***he called his daughter a piece of ass and would date her.
****fucking creepster